Friends, Since we are experimenting with new ways of worshiping during this season of the church, we wanted to make available to you every way of worship possible. One of the most important aspects of worship is our tithe. It is vital to both our own worship and the furthering of ministry within our church and community. With that said, we are making available through our website online giving. It is our hope that through this, you and others will be able to continue worshiping in this way and our ministry of the church will continue to prosper through this faithful act of worship.
Just click on the button below. You will be directed to a secure site for making your contribution online. If you would like to track your online giving you may also set up an account with Tithely by clicking on the "sign up" link at the top right side of the Give page. We are thankful for each of you, Bea Terrell - Finance Chair