Sundays - Worship Service at 11:00am - Adult Sunday School, 10:00am-10:45am - Choir Warm Up, 10:15am in the Sanctuary - Coffee with Friends, after service Tuesdays - Tuesday Faith Group - Book/Bible Study 11:30am Wednesdays - Choir Practice at 6:30pm
Upcoming Events - To be updated soon
Volunteers needed: There is always room for an extra helping hand. If you would like to volunteer an hour or so to any of the above mission works, please see Pastor Kathie or call the church office.
Ushers are needed: A nice smile and a warm welcome are all the skills it takes to be an usher. One Sunday every couple of months is all the time it takes! Sign up on the table in the Narthex or see Bob Fields, or call the church office or Pastor Kathie if you can help!