God calls each of us to use our time and talents to be His hands and feet here on this precious planet He gifted us. There is always room for an extra helping hand. Listed below are some suggested ways YOU can Serve. If you would like to help and share your talent see Pastor Kathie or call the church office.
Food Pantry Helpers - John 21:17 Jesus said to him, "Feed my sheep." The South Hall Community Food Pantry serves families in Flowery Branch and surrounding areas of South Hall countythat need assistance with the basic essential of food on the table. Our church provides food and funding to this worthy cause and our volunteer group works at the Pantry every six weeks to hand out food baskets and smiles to those in need. If you would like to help feed the hungry in our community please call the church office for contact information.
Ushers and greeters are needed each Sunday--A nice smile and a warm welcome are all the skills it takes to be an usher or a greeter. One Sunday every couple of months is all the time it takes! Sign up on the table in the Narthex or see Bob Fields, or call the church office if you can help!
Office help on Tuesday or Friday afternoons.
Children's Church teacher - We have two adults each Sunday ready to help our children feel the love of Jesus as they have fun in our Children's Church during our regular church service. leaders are Kathy Manning and Lydia Whiting. Please contact them or call the church office if you feel this is an area you would like to help serve.
Garden stewards! we have a team of friends that help keep our gardens looking great. If you can help plant, weed or water our garden areas please see Kris Sampson or Kris White.
Visitation Team - help us keep in contact with our shut-ins and homebound friends. We need help sending cards, bulletins, Upper Room books and checking in with a visit when possible. Call the office to volunteer.